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Photos from the Album
of George Collins

townview.jpg - 101468 Bytes

1914. The north part of Chapleau. Vince Crichton tell us the following about this photo:

The Town Hall may be seen in the construction stage and also part of the old wooden overhead bridge. Situated on the lot now owned by G.J. Collinson at 14 Beech Street is the old Chinese laundry and restaurant. The old Hartlet home may be seen on the back of the lot now occupied by the Legion Hall. The house on the front part of this lot is now the home of G.J. Collinson at 14 Beech Street, which was moved there and enlarged. The old Ottawa House is observed next to Boucher's large home, as are also the old warehouses and homes on the land behind the present Redwood Dining Room. Here is a closeup showing more detail.

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