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Historical photos from the Chapleau Public Library
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James Rose House in 1912

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The same house in 1913

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Here is a picture of the Rose family on the verandah about 1912.
1912. James Rose House. Mrs. Attwood tells us that it was built in 1895 The corner house at the west end of Pine Street, north side. At the foot of the overpass. Look also at the Vince Crichton collection, item 320 for 1912, to read more about the buldings in these pictures.

Elleyne Rose Attwood says �I was born in 1914 and lived there till 1931.� These pictures were sent to Israel Fortin by Alleyne Rose Attwood of Midland, Ontario. Israel Fortin made them available to Mrs. Attwood says: �There was a hedge between the house next door (Walter Leigh's) and our house with quite a big hole in it where Olive (friend) and I used to run back and forth to each other's houses.� Mrs. Attwood goes on: � My daughter Madelene is writing a book (a copy is in the Chapleau Public Library) about my grandfather Robert Holding who was well known in Chapleau and died in 1933 and who in 1864 was shipwrecked in the Auckland Isles, 350 km south of New Zealand and survived over a year. Sixteen of the crew died of starvation and three were found.